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Pastoral Care

Ofsted May 2023:

'The pastoral team offer excellent levels of care to vulnerable families and work well with outside agencies. This ensures that the needs of families in difficult circumstances are dealt with efficiently'

Ofsted March 2019:

'At St Michael's, we want your child to flourish academically, emotionally and socially. We value each child as an individual whilst appreciating the ups and downs of life they each face. The emotional health and wellbeing of your child is of upmost importance to us and we want your child to be happy and content in school so that they can achieve their full potential in life.

The Pastoral Team

Stef Lockley
Helen Leitch


The pastoral team offer a range of resources, focusing on emotional, social and behavioural support and learning:

Resources to support pupils who have experienced bereavement.


The teachers and the pastoral team have received training from Child Bereavement UK  .  Follow this link for more information 

Resources to support children when they are struggling with their emotions:


Happy to be me - helps pupils build their self esteem


Lego Therapy -helps children to develop social and communication skills

Forest Schools -helps children build resilience,confidence and problem solving skills

SEAL - (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) -offers a whole school approach for promoting social and emotional literacy

Time to Talk 

Time to Talk has been developed to teach and develop oral language and social interaction skills to children. Skills taught include:

  •  Eye contact
  •  Turn taking,
  •  Sharing
  •  Greetings
  •  Awareness of feelings
  •  Giving 
  •  Following instructions
  •  Listening
  •  Attention
  •  Playing skills

We employ a Counsellor -Alice Woodward one day a week who conducts one to one sessions with children once a referral has been completed by the Pastoral Team.

Peer Massage and Mindfulness is promoted throughout the school.

Please see links below for the Mindfulness apps:

Smiling Mind

Stop,Breathe and Think


Cosmic Kids

Each program is led and facilitated by a trained member of staff and is carried out within an informal setting, either within small groups or one to one. This allows the children the space to share as much or as little of their worries, troubles and struggles as they choose, either verbally or creatively and indirectly, through various arts and crafts, role play and much more. 

If you feel that your child may benefit from any of these programs or you would like to hear more about them, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Furthermore St Michael's works hard to help the children to understand that there are people out there that can help them. 


Childline Video Anxiety

Is your child feeling angry or overwhelmed? The following guide will help them to understand why they might be feeling that way and how to cope with these emotions

Worried about a child or Young Person ?

Parent/Carer Helplines are available to offer advice to anyone worried about a child or young person. You may have questions about a child's behaviour, emotional well being or mental health condition.

Trained advisors are available to give you help and advice, whatever the question on either of these helplines.

Click here to visit the Halton NHS Foundation Trust's (CWP) nationally recognised Child and Adolescent  Mental Health (CAMHS) website for further information or contact  0151 257 8708.

0808 8025544

It may feel difficult to call the first time -but don't worry. Your conversation will remain confidential unless a child is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing harm.

Rest assured, if there is a need to share any information with anyone, you will be informed unless there is immediate risk to life that requires very quick action.    

Coping with Self Harm a Guide for Parents and Carers

A parent's guide to depression

Parental Internet advice

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy