Year 6 Mrs Hillier
Welcome to Year 6! What a pleasure it is to have the opportunity to teach my wonderful class for a second year!
Year 6 is my favourite year group to teach. It is a pleasure to see our young people grow and develop academically, socially and emotionally, preparing them for high school, building their spirit of independence and confidence, ready to thrive and spread their wings.
It has been a delight to see how well the children have settled into their new school year, taking responsibility as the oldest pupils at St. Michael’s with their jobs and how they conduct themselves inside and outside the classroom. Miss Hanrahan and I are extremely proud of the start that they have made.
We are looking forward to many exciting opportunities in Year 6 in our lessons, making a variety of cross curricular links to enjoy our final year to the full. From making street food to Holocaust talks and our residential to dance lessons, we are going to have a ball!
If you ever have any questions about teaching and learning in Year 6 or have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope that we can work closely together to give our amazing children the best education possible.
Mrs Hillier
To find out what Year 6 have been up to follow us on twitter (X)@stmichaelscps.
Twitter (X) is updated daily detailing everything that is happening in school.